The Teleiology Concept - Introduction

This course of studies will cover twelve doctrines that will ground you in your spiritual walk, maturing you in the Faith and motivating you to consistently grow in this Christian way of life (CWL).

While we will cover these twelve doctrinal principles, individually and in order, each will be expanded with additional studies to give you a full grasp of each principle.

first start audio (Part A)

now enter the class


  • At the end of the 1st audio session, EXIT NOTES and return here to:

    first start audio (Part B)

    re-enter the class


  • NOTE: To enlarge the notes text, hold the ctrl. key down and roll mouse wheel

    (1) First start the audio.
    (2) Now hit the (SELECT) button and you are in the class!
    (3) To exit the class, simply EXIT the notes or select the previous tab

    Proceed to Next Lesson.
    Ron Adema

    Ron Adema, Pastor of Doctrinal Studies Bible Church

    Al Rosenblum

    Al Rosenblum, Associate Pastor of Doctrinal Studies Bible Church
